MCC悉尼校区的Donald C. Burn行政/图书馆大楼



买球网站希望每个来到我们校园的人都感到安全和舒适. 本着这种精神, we have compiled several agencies' contact information, 以及我们自己的信息, 如果需要的话. 除了, 在本文档中还可以找到其他资源,这些资源可能不仅对学生有帮助, 而是为了他们的朋友和家人.





  • 总机号码:989-831-7590

  • General non-emergency office hours: Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.

  • 一般或日常邮件:

This mailbox is checked Monday through Friday ONLY.


  • 总机号码:616-754-9161
  • Office hours: Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. 到5点.m.
  • 电子邮件:

买球网站县调度中心举报犯罪, 或者需要执法部门的协助, 联系买球网站县中心调度中心.

电话:989-831-3500 or 616-225-3500

Nixle买球网站县警长's Office is now using Nixle to keep the public 最新的公共安全资讯 新闻发布和提醒.

买球网站 注册.

EightcapEightCAP公司. provides emergency assistance and additional services, and improves our community by partnering with private, 政府, 社区组织向低收入居民提供项目,减轻当地贫困的原因及其影响. 他们协助提供紧急住房, 紧急粮食, 幼儿教育项目, CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children.

EightCAP, 公司.




网站: www.8帽.org

卫生服务买球网站县密歇根卫生部门提供健康保险信息, 负担得起的医疗保健, 公共卫生, 人类服务, 妇女的医疗保健, children and family health services and other issues.







语无伦次地说Relief After Violent Encounter - Ionia/Montcalm counties (语无伦次地说-I / M公司.) is the only comprehensive program serving men, 买球网站县和爱奥尼亚县遭受家庭暴力和性暴力的妇女和儿童. 


语无伦次地说-I / M公司.

852 E. 林肯大街.



24-hour Crisis line is 1-800-720-SAFE (7233) 电子邮件: 




Montcalm 社区 College does not have public safety officers on staff, 然而, the 买球网站县警长’s Department assists in regular patrols when possible. The Title IX office is located in the Donald C. 位于中冶悉尼校区的伯恩斯行政大楼,可以在上午8点的营业时间内到达.m. 到下午4:30.m. The Title IX officer is MCC's Dean of Academic Affairs Steve Fosgard, who can be contacted by calling 989-328-1068 or email 史蒂夫 他不在的时候, please contact MCC's Director of Human Resources, Riki詹森, 电话989-328-1220或电子邮件



学生和员工可以使用这个电话号码匿名和保密报告可能涉及犯罪活动, 不道德的, 或其他不适当的活动或行为违反了中冶集团的既定政策和行为和道德准则.




世纪挑战集团没有正式的引座员服务, 但是当需要的时候, we have utilized staff to usher students within our campus. (Generally, it is from the classroom to the parking lot.)


MCC currently has a total of 126 cameras on both 西德尼 and Greenville campuses.

Below is a break down of indoor and outdoor cameras per campus:

  • 悉尼校区- 72室内,20室外
  • 格林维尔校区-室内25个,室外9个


  • 悉尼和格林维尔校区的所有建筑都在步行距离之内.
  • 中冶的悉尼校区位于该县的一个非常农村的地区,在周边地区没有当地的交通巴士.
  • Near MCC's Greenville campus is Greenville Transportation System, 它提供了安全, 负担得起的, 便利的公共交通遍布整个城市和邻近的尤里卡镇. 周一至周五上午6点起,致电616-754-9331与格林维尔运输系统联系.m. 到下午6点.m. 星期六早上9点开始.m. 到3点.m.
  • On occasion, we also provide gas gift cards on as as needed basis.



  • If you see a fire, pull the nearest fire alarm
  • Evacuate when you hear fire alarm or when advised to do so by an MCC employee
  • Be aware of predesignated primary and alternate evacuation routes
  • 有序离开大楼
  • 人员应疏散到离建筑物至少300英尺的地方,并远离急救车辆
  • 拨打911
  • Return to building only when advised it is safe to do so



  • Know where the shelter area is located nearest you as indicated by a tornado sign.
  • Ensure those around you know location of shelter areas

在龙卷风或恶劣天气期间 :

  • 关上窗户和百叶窗
  • 检讨龙卷风处理程序
    • Locate the shelter area nearest your location
    • Review the Drop and Tuck position remembering the need to face a wall
    • 如果灯灭了,不要惊慌

可能需要立即采取行动.  Drop and tuck under tables if you think a tornado is striking.


在龙卷风或恶劣天气期间 警告:


  • 在天气紧急情况下, quickly and safely move to the shelter area nearest your location
  • 避免靠近门、玻璃墙或窗户的区域
  • 等待世纪挑战集团员工的"解除警报
  • Sit on floor quietly and encourage others to do so
  • Remain calm and quiet and encourage others to do so
  • If you sense a tornado is striking, Drop and Tuck facing a wall



If weather conditions necessitate the closing of MCC’s facilities, 学院管理将通过学院的Omnilert大众通知系统通知MCC社区, as well as posting the information on the college’s website.   



The purpose of this policy is to encourage the security, safety and wellness of minors who are on Montcalm 社区 College’s campuses. The College welcomes all visitors and students, including dual enrolled high school aged students, Early College students and children participating in approved programs, 夏令营和学术营. 学院营造一个安全有效的教学环境,并努力营造一个没有不必要干扰和干扰的工作场所, minors normally must be accompanied by their adult supervisors at all times. 为本政策之目的, 未成年子女被定义为未满18岁的儿童,他们没有参加大学课程(学分或非学分)或早期大学学生.

Dual enrolled and minor students or minors working on campus此策略不适用于:a.) dual-enrolled high school students at the College, b.) minors that are admitted as students to Montcalm 社区 College, c.(二)经父母/监护人许可在校内工作的未成年人.)校园内对公众开放的活动,未成年人由其父母/监护人全权决定参加,并由其父母/监护人陪同.

Minors working on campus are regulated by both federal and state laws. 学院将遵守相关规定,只雇用那些提供了所需文件的未成年人. 学院可授权未成年人按法律规定的工作时间和职责工作.

教室里有未成年人学院强烈反对带未成年人来上课,并鼓励学生做好照顾孩子的安排,以减少对教育过程的中断,避免对未成年人造成伤害. 由于不可预见的情况,教师有权做出例外处理. 当这种情况发生时, 未成年人必须保持在成人主管的视线范围内,不得将未成年人留在校园内无人看管. 这适用于学院的所有领域, 包括但不限于, 教室, 室外聚集区, 图书馆, 大厅, 计算机实验室, 还有娱乐大楼.

举报校园内无人看管的未成年人If it is believed that a minor is unattended on campus for any reason, 这应立即报告给行政服务副总统989-328-1249或指定人员.


While the College strives to be a family-friendly environment, 带孩子去上班是不合适的,不能代替在工作时安排定期的托儿服务. 员工禁止带未成年人上班,除非得到主管的批准. The following tenets have served as guidelines:


  1. Sick children should never be brought to work.
  2. 员工的子女或孙辈可以在用餐期间上班.
  3. 员工可以在指定的“带孩子上班”日带孩子或孙辈上班.
  4. 员工的子女或孙辈可以在其他时间上班,但必须事先得到直接主管的批准.
  5. Whenever an employee brings his or her child(ren) or grandchild(ren) to work, 员工有责任保证孩子(小孩)的正确行为,并在孩子(小孩)离开后打扫卫生。. 员工应该意识到,对员工有适当保障的安全工作环境,对儿童可能并不同样安全. 碎纸机, 金属剪刀, 订书机, 照片复印机, 类似的东西在办公室里很常见,员工们接受过使用培训,但会威胁到孩子的安全. There are also many restricted areas including storerooms, 机械的房间, 研讨会, 实验室, 诊所, 厨房, 建筑工地, and other areas where toxic or hazardous substances are kept.
  6. Children are not allowed to use MCC computers or other equipment, except those items specifically designated for public access.
  7. 员工有责任保护受《买球网站》保护的机密信息 & Privacy Act (FERPA) and other laws and regulations.
  8. 在为儿童和/或家庭或社区参与的活动期间,未成年儿童和家庭成员不被禁止在工作场所.


If an employee has an exceptional family emergency, 并且被要求带未成年人上班, 该员工的直接主管将决定该未成年人是否可以继续工作. 需要考虑的因素, 等, is whether the minor interferes with the usual workplace activities, whether the work environment is safe for the minor, 未成年人的年龄, and whether he/she can fulfill his/her work obligations.


如果允许在校内选修辅修课程, he/she is required to supervise his/her child at all times, 千万不要让孩子无人看管, 在学校里,不要把孩子交给第三人看管或照顾.




Resources for Sexual Abuse or Sexual Assault Survivors